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Announcing the new Graphics Made Easy Online Programme - graphicsmadeeasy.co.uk

Announcing the new Graphics Made Easy Online Programme

by Penny on 17th October 2014

We’re delighted to announce that the Graphics Made Easy Online Programme is now open for registration for just two weeks at a very special price for participants:

The Graphics Made Easy Online Programme is now open: purchase your place here.

Still have questions? Would you prefer to be billed in US$ directly? Please contact Penny.

Here’s the outline of what you’ll receive as a Graphics Made Easy Online Participant:

Open Now
Preparation for working graphically – looking at materials and more.

Part I – open from 27th October
Getting Started with Graphics.
Discover the Beauty of Lines and Shapes.
Circles and Curves: Easy When You Know How!
Building Blocks and Starter Shapes for your own Visual Vocabulary.

Part II – open from 10th November
Colour. Using colour in various ways, tips and tricks.
Which colours blend. Dealing with colour-blindness.
Shading and 3D.
Bullet Points using graphics.
Concepts and Ideas.

Webinar: Wednesday 19th November 4pm BST or Thursday 20th November 8am BST

Part III – open from 24th November
Handwriting – what works and how to improve yours.
Drawing and using graphics representing people.

Part IV – open from 8th December
Using your graphics digitally.
Remote meetings.
A final template for your work.
Adapting your own work to be more visual.

Part V – open from 5th January 2015
Finalise your own work.
How are you doing?
Anything else people want!

Webinar: Tuesday 13th January 4pm GMT or Wednesday 14th January 8am GMT

Here’s what people say about the Starter Workshop this is based on:

‘Go for it! Well worth the investment’

Erica Hurley, MD Parallax Development and Facilitator, KIN (Knowledge Innovation Network), Warwick Business School

‘What went well? the variety of exercises; seeing my progress. I feel confident. A brilliant day.’

Tilla Brook, Catalyst Convener Leader Coach at Tilla Brook Coaching Ltd

It was absolutely fantastic, I couldn’t fault anything. I can’t wait to get going and use graphics in our training and improve our participants’ learning experience’

Rob Hayes, Training Manager, Mango Training

‘Fantastic course – great value for money!’

Sarah Stokes, Director, Kangaroo Training

‘What went well for me? Everything! Drawing, receiving excellent training. It was ten times better than I thought it would be – and I had high expectations to begin with.’

Lorna Prescott, Senior Development Officer, Dosti

See more here.

Interaction with Penny and the other participants
Throughout the programme, you can interact with Penny one-to-one via the online learning environment, exchanging text, images and video. You can share ideas, questions, images and videos with other participants in the community forum:

The Forum

Your investment
The investment for this programme is usually the same as for the one day Graphics Made Easy starter workshop. For two weeks until 7th November 2015, there is a 30% discount for everyone who joins up. After this date, if any places are left, the price will rise from £347 (plus VAT if you’re in Europe) to £499 (plus VAT if applicable).

[£347 equates to US $557 on 22nd October 2014 and £499 is US $801. Let Penny know if you’d rather pay directly in your own currency.]

The Graphics Made Easy Online Programme is now open: purchase your place here.

Note: If you work for an international charity or non-profit, you might be eligible for a bursary. We’ve already given one to a charity working with TB in Somalia. Contact Penny if this might apply to you.

P.S. Not sure it would work for you? Try out the taster videos in the previous three posts. Click the link at the bottom of the page to see these.

Thank you

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Penny October 23, 2014 at 8:59 am

Hi everyone, as ever, please post your comments and questions here and I’ll get back to you. All the best.

Penny October 30, 2014 at 9:53 am

It’s lovely to have people signing up from all over – we have people from three continents on the programme so far: Europe, North America and Africa.

Penny October 30, 2014 at 10:00 am

Some FAQs for you

There have been some questions coming through to me individually rather than through comments, so here are some frequently asked questions and answers. If a question you have hasn’t been answered, please post your question below or contact me directly.

How the course works:

Q. How much interaction will there be?

A. With me:
You can ask me questions, send me pictures or video clips confidentially from inside the online learning environment and I’ll review these and respond to you privately.

With other participants:
You can interact with the other participants via the course forum. We’ve already seen people introducing themselves and what they’d like to get out of the programme.

With me and other participants:
We will have a couple of webinars, which are not for new content, but for us to talk through how things are going, discuss aspects of the course, ask questions and so on. This is to help you to apply the content you learn to your own situation.

Q. What happens if I miss a live webinar?

A. Don’t worry, we will make sure that you can watch a recording afterwards! Ideally though, you should plan on joining a webinar at the best time to suit you.

Q. How long will I be able to access the materials for online?

A. You will be able to access the system for at least a year, or until I no longer use the system. I have no plans to change it as it works really well, so it could be years! But by then you’ll be using the techniques in your work and inspiring others.

Q. How do I access the materials? Do I need to download them all?

A. The course is online and you can access the course whenever suits you, as long as you have an internet connection. We are using a proper, interactive, online learning environment so you don’t need to download anything.

Q. I can’t start the course for a few weeks. How will that work as I’ll be behind the others?
Can I join now and do the work over the holidays?

A. It should be fine to do a lot of the work in the holidays. After all, people do the workshop in a day! Some things, like adapting your own work to be more visual, would benefit from a bit longer to let it sink in and gel.

Of course, over the holidays I might not respond quite as quickly as I’ve been responding so far, especially on Christmas Day!

Billing queries:

Q. Can you charge me in dollars? Can I pay in euros?

A. Yes, if you prefer to be billed in US dollars, euros or your own currency, we can bypass the shopping cart and send you an invoice for payment.

Q. I work for a business in the EU but the shopping cart is charging me VAT.

A. If you’d prefer to be invoiced, I can provide an invoice. If you are from a business within the EU (not the UK), let me know your business name, address and VAT number and I can invoice you tax-free. (Note that all sales outside of Europe are already tax-free!)

Q. I work for a non-profit organisation or a charity. Can you give me a special rate?

A. We offer some bursaries for non-profits and charities. Please get in touch with me telling me how this course would help you to benefit others and I’ll consider your request.

To find out more about the online programme and to book your place, go back to the top of this page.

Rokon November 9, 2014 at 3:28 am

I work in a non profit organization. Basically I have no scope to provide the fee. I can provide only 15-20 USD

Penny November 16, 2014 at 9:40 pm

Hi Rokon,

Please get in touch with me by e-mail and let me know about your organisation and the people who benefit from your work.

I do give a handful of non-profit bursaries and we can discuss if this would help make the programme easier to reach. Saying that, we do also ask for a realistic contribution from you.

All the best,

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